
National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials in India


National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials in India (NUCSSI) is the first indigenous database that serves as an ideal tool to access Journal holdings information. Journals are the main source of Science and Technology information. NUCSSI is a data repository of a large number of unique journal titles and library holdings belonging to major universities, S&T institutions, R&D units of industries, higher institutes like IISc, IITs and professional institutes spread allover the country.


NUCSSI provides information regarding the availability of journal titles in the libraries, Moreover, integration of database with E-mail service enables routing of library/user request information.

The Regular updation of the database is enhanced with the online access granted to the participating libraries via internet, so that journal seekers can get the updated information free of cost.

User Friendly Interface and powerful search enables easy and improved access to locate a particular journal and its availability in various Libraries.

Last Updated on: 22-10-2024
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Journals Total Journals:45632
Holdings Total Holdings:267881
Library Total Libraries:572
Visitors Total Visitors:2163810
OnlineVisitors Online 78